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IMPORTANT - Info related to failed database connections occuring after eApps Maintenance

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Message to all customers:

We are in the process of updating the Virtuozzo VPS software that runs your eApps VPS service from Version 3 to Version 4. These upgrades are being performed nightly for a set of servers each night. Some of our customers have already been updated and the remainder will be updated in the next 10 days.

We have encountered an issue that impacts a small number of customers, but is significant enough to warrant a general notification to all customers. This email explains the issue and how you can ensure that your site is not impacted by the upgrade to Version 4 of Virtuozzo.

Description of Issue:

Your VPS has a file called "hosts" located at /etc/hosts, and referred to as the "host name file." This file controls how host name lookups are performed inside of your VPS for all network service requests, such as database connections.

Prior to Version 4, the default host name file has the following structure, where "" represents your domain name: localhost domain localhost.localdomain

Starting with Version 4, the version we are upgrading to now, the host names file has this new structure: localhost localhost.localdomain
ve.ip.154.0.0 domain

The change was made by our software vendor to conform with general standards on how host name files should be constructed.

This change causes a problem for some customers depending on how they created their database user names and how they defined their database connection strings. Customers that created a database user name via the control panel which granted access to localhost, but in the connection string set the connection to are impacted. Customers that created a database user with access to localhost and a connection string to localhost are not impacted, nor are customers that created a user with access to and a connection string to In other words, only those customers that have a mismatch in the definition of the access rights for the user and the connection string are impacted. For these customers the database connection will fail, causing problems with their site when the upgrade is performed.

Solution to Problem:

If upon inspection of your access rights for your database user and your connection string settings you see a mismatch, the solution is to change one or the other to be consistent. User either localhost in both places or use (ie your specific domain).

We apologize for any problems caused by this issue. Our testing did not uncover it. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact


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