Domain Name Service (DNS) is an Internet-wide directory service that allows users to find your site using your domain name, instead of the specific IP address. The registrar of your domain name recognizes one DNS directory provider as the master for your domain. All DNS directories are linked throughout the world.
Changes to the DNS for your domain usually take 2 to 4 hours to fully propagate across the globe, but in some cases can take up to 48 hours. The propagation time is dependent on the ISP of the person trying to access the site.
eApps offers the following options for DNS for the domain for your site.
eApps hosts your DNS -- The is the most popular choice. eApps provides DNS service at no charge. With this option you can administer your DNS records from the DNS Manager in the eApps Portal. To implement this option you must buy the domain from eApps Hosting or specify the "Use existing domain registered elsewhere" option when you provision your Virtual Machine, or in the DNS Manager if you add a domain later. In the latter case you must change the DNS servers at your Registrar to point to the eApps DNS servers. Our DNS servers (name servers) are:
* ns5 and ns6 are external to the eApps network and offer an additional degree of redundancy for our name servers.
eApps does not host your DNS -- This simply means that the DNS records are administered in a DNS server outside of eApps. In this case, you will need to obtain your eApps assigned IP (from the Welcome to Your eApps Hosting Account message, or from the Server Info area on the System tab of your Control Panel. Then update your DNS records to point your web site and/or mail service to the eApps IP address as appropriate.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Domain Transfers - You are not required to "transfer" your domain to eApps Hosting in order to use the domain in our service. A domain transfer actually changes the registrar of your domain to the eApps Hosting registrar. Some customers prefer to transfer their domain so as to have renewals of the hosting service and domain registration both with eApps Hosting. There is a fee to transfer the domain, but a year is added to the length of term for the domain registration.
NOTE - if you are on a VPS plan (Virtuozzo and Parallels PBA Control Panel), contact Sales if you have any questions -