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Release Notes - JBoss 6 (ISPmanager/Webmin)

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Release Notes - JBoss 6

Highlighted Features and Fixes in JBoss 6.1.0


  • Support for easy non-EJB configuration
  • Upgrade to hibernate 3.6.6-Final
  • Upgrade to lates available version of RESTEasy


  • Fixed a memory leak in EJB3.1
  • Fixed an issue where deployments would fail without a WEB-INF directory in a WAR
  • The jbossweb-standalone profile is no longer missing the JMX connector

The official Release Notes for JBoss 6.1.0 are available here -

How to upgrade

Before upgrading, please make sure that your application works correctly on this newer version of JBoss. There may be incompatibilities that will affect how your application works. Please make sure that you have read the official Release Notes, and have done any necessary testing before upgrading a production application.

ISPmanager Control Panel

Before upgrading, make a backup of your applications (usually in /opt/jboss6), any configuration files you have changed, and your data. This way you can redeploy your applications if necessary after the upgrade.

To update JBoss 6 in ISPmanager, you will need to connect to your Virtual Machine via SSH, using either the MindTerm SSH client, or a regular SSH client. More information can be found in the User Guide: SSH and MindTerm -

Once you are connected to the Virtual Machine, you will need to run the following commands as the root user: yum clean all and yum -y update jboss6

The first command clears the yum cache, and the second command downloads and installs the update to JBoss 6.1. Be aware that JBoss 6.1.0 is around 172 MB in size, so it will take a few minutes to download and install.

[root@example ~]# yum clean all
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, remove-with-leaves
Cleaning up Everything
Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors
[root@example ~]#

[root@example ~]# yum -y update jboss6

You will know that JBoss 6.1.0 is installed when you see a Complete! message and you are returned to the command prompt. At this point JBoss has been updated. You will need to test your applications, and redeploy any files if needed.

Webmin Control Panel

JBoss 5 to JBoss 6

There is no direct upgrade path between major JBoss versions, such as between JBoss 5 and JBoss 5. If you are on JBoss 5, you will need to back up your applications (usually in the /opt/jboss5 directory), your data, and any configuration files you have changed. Then uninstall JBoss 5, install JBoss 6, and then redeploy your applications. If you try to install JBoss 6 without first uninstalling JBoss 5, the installation will fail with a conflict error message.

When you redeploy your applications, you will also need to update the JBoss configuration files, such as server.xml. Please note - do not copy the entire file, just the specific HOST blocks that you added. If you try to use the server.xml from a previous version of JBoss, then the new version of JBoss may crash.

JBoss 6 to JBoss 6.1 (newer version)

Before upgrading, make a backup of your applications (usually in /opt/jboss6), any configuration files you have changed, and your data. This way you can redeploy your applications if necessary after the upgrade.

To upgrade the application, go to the Control Panel > Applications > JBoss 6 > Updates Available -> Update application

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