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Outage Incident Information

Support Portal  »  Announcements  »  Viewing Article

Dear Customer,

Just before 8am Eastern (GMT-5) our data center provider experienced a major power failure. This power failure caused a power surge that impacted us as well as other companies located in the data center.

The surge damaged some of our power management equipment. We are in the process of repairing and replacing this equipment as needed. Some of the repair work requires the assistance of our data center provider's electricians. We have been and are on site working with our data center provider to ensure that we get the assistance we need to complete the repairs.

We apologize for this outage and appreciate your patience.


At this time power has been restored for all servers. We are aware that we may have some sites that are still down. We are currently working through all of the servers to ensure that all servers are operating properly. If your site is still down please use normal support channels to obtain assistance.


eApps Hosting

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