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BOOKMARK THIS PAGE! This page has valuable information that will help you get started with your Virtual Server and hosting service, and you can always return to this page for links to the relevant user guides and hosting service information. |
After your Virtual Servers have been built and provisioned, you will want to start setting up your websites, adding users, creating e-mail addresses, etc. This user guide will help you get started by giving you some additional information about your hosting service and Virtual Server, and also point you to the relevant user guides for your selected OS Template.
Make sure to read the Welcome Message e-mail that you received when your order was processed: START HERE! Welcome to your eApps Virtual Cloud Server. That message contains valuable information about how to contact eApps and the functions available in your Customer Portal. That message also includes important information regarding backing up your Virtual Server in order to avoid data loss.
Getting Started with Your Virtual Server
OS (Operating System) Templates available
OS Template Information and Links to Documentation
Managing Backups for your Virtual Server
Available Managed Services
Included Managed Services
Additional Services
Other Getting Started Information
CentOS 7 Overview
Use of eApps Provided Domains
Resizing the disk on your Virtual Server
Free Resource Monitoring from the Customer Portal
The starting point for your Virtual Server will depend on which OS Template you chose when you provisioned your service. The user guides for the applications and services offered by eApps are broken down by OS Template, so you need to make sure that you are looking at the correct documentation in order to avoid any lost time and frustration.
The OS Template is the operating system for the Virtual Server, plus any bundled applications (usually indicated in the name of the OS Template).
There are five types of OS Templates:
To find out which OS Template your Virtual Server is using, log in to the Customer Portal and go to My Cloud > Virtual Servers. In the list of Virtual Servers, hover your mouse over the Info icon (i) to the left of the VS hostname. This will show you the OS Template. You can also find the Virtual Server OS Template by clicking on the magnifying glass to the right of the Virtual Server, and look for Template in the Virtual Server Details list.
Once you know which OS Template you have, see the next section - OS Template Information and Links to Documentation for links to the documentation available for each template.
NOTE - you can rebuild your Virtual Server and change the OS Template at any time, but doing so will result in TOTAL DATA LOSS. You may also incur additional charges if your new OS template has any licensing fees. Please contact eApps Support for assistance before rebuilding your Virtual Server.
This is a list of the OS Templates available with some general information about the template and links to the documentation specific to that template.
Linux OS Templates with the ISPmanager CP Control Panel
OS Templates with ISPmanager CP in their name use CentOS Linux and a customized version of the ISPmanager Control Panel. This control panel has been configured to work with the eApps Application Repository and is available at no extra charge.
ISPmanager allows you to manage applications, websites, e-mail, and perform other server level administration tasks. More information about using the ISPmanager Control Panel can be found here - Using ISPmanager. User Guides for the applications and services available with ISPmanager can be found here - Virtual Servers with CentOS and ISPmanager.
Linux OS Templates without a Control Panel
Several OS Templates are available without a Control Panel, including CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian. With these templates you will use the built-in application manager (yum, apt-get, etc) to install applications and the built-in administrative features of the OS to manage any functions that are not available through the Customer Portal.
NOTE - the CentOS templates without a Control Panel have access to the eApps Application Repository via yum, and can install applications provided by eApps from the command line. The Ubuntu and Debian OS templates DO NOT have access to the eApps Application Repository. More information about using Linux OS Templates without a Control Panel can be found here - Virtual Servers with No Control Panel.
Linux OS Templates with the Plesk or cPanel/WHM Control Panel
OS Templates with Plesk or cPanel/WHM in their name use CentOS Linux and either the Plesk or cPanel/WHM control panels. These OS templates DO NOT provide access to the eApps Application Repository, you will use the functionality built-in to each control panel to administer all functions that are not handled in the Customer Portal. These templates are commonly used by resellers, but you do not have to be a reseller to use them.
More information about using the cPanel/WHM Control Panel can be found here - Using the cPanel/WHM Control Panel
More information about using the Plesk Control Panel can be found here - Using the Parallels Plesk 12 Hosting Control Panel. Note that there are several versions of Plesk available - please see the user guide for more information about the different features available in each version and how to upgrade from one version to another.
Windows OS Templates
OS Templates with Windows 2016 or Windows 2012 in their name use either Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2012. Microsoft License fees are included in the price of the OS template. These templates do not have a control panel and DO NOT provide access to the eApps Application Repository. You will access the Virtual Server using Remote Desktop and use the built-in functions in Windows Server to administer all functions that are not handled in the Customer Portal.
More information about using the Windows OS Templates can be found here - Windows Virtual Servers. Note that the user guides are specific to each version of Windows Server - make sure you are looking at the correct user guide for your template!
Windows OS Update Process (IMPORTANT):
Windows OS templates are configured to perform Windows operating system updates automatically. These updates will be downloaded and installed every Saturday between 1 AM and 4 AM based on your server time setting. If you need to change these settings, please see either the Windows Server 2012 - Configuring Windows Updates or the Windows Server 2008 - Configuring Windows Updates user guides.
Virtual Appliance OS Templates (VPN, Load Balancer, etc)
OS Templates with VPN Appliance or Load Balancer Appliance in their name use a Linux OS and a bundled application specific to the purpose of the template. Virtual Servers created with these templates do not have a control panel and DO NOT provide access to the eApps Application Repository. Also, they cannot be used for general hosting functions such as hosting websites or e-mail.
If you are using the VPN Appliance template, there are User Guides for the most common configurations - Remote Access, Site to Site, and Internet Gateway. If you have different requirements, please contact eApps Support.
If you are using a Load Balancer template you will generally be in contact with eApps Support for configuration assistance.
IMPORTANT - You are responsible for managing and maintaining your own backups. You have the following options for protecting yourself against the loss of data. We strongly recommend that you use multiple levels of backup protection, including off-site backup, to ensure that you do not lose critical data. Your data is at risk for loss if you do not implement one or more backup strategies!
1. Basic Backup Service: this service allows you to create and manage backups of your Virtual Servers from your Portal. The Basic Backup Service can only be used for disks smaller than 100 GB; if you are backing up a Virtual Server with a disk size of 100 GB or more you will need to use the Enterprise Backup Service (see below). With the Basic Backup Service you can create manual or automated backups of any and all of your Virtual Servers.
The Basic Backup Service is managed from the Portal, and has only basic features: a manual "snapshot" backup or a scheduled daily backup with a set number of retentions. If you need to restore from a Basic Backup you will need to obtain assistance from eApps Support.
More information about the Basic Backup Service can be found here - Basic Backup User Guide.
2. Enterprise Backup Service: this service allows you to manage backups for your Virtual Servers using Server Backup from Acronis, an Enterprise grade backup software. If you are backing up disks that are 100 GB or larger, you will need to use the Enterprise Backup Service.
The Enterprise Backup Service is administered using your Portal and direct access to the ACronis backup management interface. These administrative features provide full control of your backups, including the purchase of backup space and backup agents, activation of the MySQL plugin, and scheduling of backups at frequent intervals with flexible retentions. The Enterprise Backup Service also allows you to restore individual files and directories without assistance from eApps Support.
More information about the Enterprise Backup Service can be found here - Enterprise Backup User Guide.
A key benefit of the Enterprise Backup Service is the ability to ensure MySQL database integrity during the backup. This is done by using a technique described in the Enterprise Backup User Guide.
3. Managed Backups (for Enterprise Backup): with this service (available for Enterprise Backup only) eApps technicians will set your backup schedule and rotation, respond to any issues related to the backup service, and restore files and directories as needed or requested. eApps will also monitor your available backup storage and work with you if you are close to your set limit.
4. Second VS for Copy/Replication: you may also buy a second VS and set up a process to copy files or replicate databases. eApps can assist you in setting this up. The second VS can be in a different eApps data center for off-site storage.
5. Off-site backup to your local PC or Server: you have full access to set up a copy or replication process to maintain copies of your data at your off-site PC or server. If you chose an OS template that has a commercial Control Panel you can use the built in features of the Control Panel to create and manage backups as described in the User Guide for your Control Panel. eApps can assist you in setting this up.
6. Third Party backup service: many third party backup services are available. These services are designed to maintain a copy of your data in a secure off-site location. Contact eApps Sales - sales@eapps.com if you need assistance in finding a third party backup provider.
Your hosting account includes several managed services, and you also have the opportunity to purchase additional managed services either at the time you provision your Virtual Server or at a later time via the Customer Portal.
On-ramp Assistance for New Customers - our technicians will help new customers with website setup, application deployment, e-mail setup, and DNS configuration. This service is for new accounts only, and is not available for future deployments.
Control Panel and Customer Portal Support- eApps will assist you with any questions on how to use the Customer Portal, and also provide basic assistance with questions on how to use the supported ISPmanager, Plesk, and cPanel/WHM Control Panels.
Server and Security Investigation - if there is a problem with the operation of your website or application, or a security issue, our technicians will conduct an initial evaluation at no cost and provide their professional opinion of what the issue is. Any problems that are eApps responsibility will be fixed at no charge; the service does not extend to fixing problems that are the responsibility of the customer.
Minor Software Updates - the ISPmanager, Plesk, and cPanel Control Panels allow you to install software and software updates. If you need assistance with this (up to 15 minutes), we will provide assistance at no cost. Custom software installs and extensive updates will be billed at a reasonable rate.
SSL Installation (for certificates purchased from eApps) - free installation is available for SSL certificates purchased from eApps. The free installation is limited to one configuration for Alpha, Domain, and Organizational SSL certificates, or for three configurations with Wildcard and Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates.
Consultation on Use of eApps Services - eApps offers free consulting to help you achieve a secure, efficient, and economical hosting service that meets your needs and budget.
You can also purchase additional services such as Uptime Monitoring with First Responder and Priority Support when you provision your Virtual Cloud Server or from the Customer Portal. To purchase these services from the Customer Portal, go to My Cloud > Virtual Servers, and click the magnifying glass to the right of the Virtual Server where you wish to add these additional services. On the Product Details page, scroll down to find the Additional Services. Select the service and the level of service you want, and then click Order Now.
The following information is useful to know as you get started setting up your Virtual Server. This includes information about CentOS 7, using the eApps provided domains, partitioning or shrinking your primary disk, and using the free Resource Monitoring service in the Customer Portal.
If your Virtual Server uses a CentOS 7 template, please review the CentOS 7 Overview documentation. CentOS 7 has new features, new applications, and a new security scheme to help lock down your server.
eApps provides two domains that you can use for test websites or for internal (not publicly accessible) websites. These domains are vm-host.net and vps-host.net, and these domains are generally used as placeholders for testing before you bring over your actual domains or set up your production websites.
NOTE - these domains are for testing and internal use only. If you use these domains for a production website or web service your service will be subject to suspension.
If you need a valid domain name for your website or service, eApps sells domains in the Customer Portal. Log in to the Portal, and go to Store > Register Domain. You can also purchase domains from any third party domain registrar and use them with your eApps hosting account.
Using tools that are built-in to Linux and Windows, you can manually resize the disk on your Virtual Server. DO NOT DO THIS!!. If you do this you will be at a high risk of data loss, and will break the functionality of the Basic Backup service. If you need to resize your disk, you must use the tools in the Customer Portal. If you need assistance with this, contact eApps Support. If you need to add a secondary disk contact eApps Sales.
There is a free resource monitoring service available from the Customer Portal (currently for CentOS Virtual Servers only, Windows Virtual Servers coming soon). This resource monitoring service captures and reports statistics on RAM, CPU, primary disk, and port speed, keeping up to four weeks of history. You can set up e-mail alerts to send notifications to two different e-mail addresses when a resources exceeds a user defined threshold.
To activate this service, log in to the Customer Portal and go to My Cloud > Resource Monitoring. Click on Activate for each Virtual Server you wish to monitor. Be aware that it will take about 10 minutes for the monitoring service to be set up. After you have activated the service, go back to the monitoring page and click on Configure. This is where you can set your monitoring thresholds, enable the alerts, and set the e-mail addresses to send the alerts to.
NOTE - this free resource monitoring service DOES NOT notify eApps Support. If you need to have eApps monitor your hosting service, contact eApps Sales for more information.