All Virtual Servers (including Virtual Machines) are managed from the Virtual Servers section of the Customer Portal - The Virtual Servers section is found under the My Cloud menu on the top navigation bar in the Portal. This page shows all of your servers, organized by type and zone. From here you click on the magnifying glass to administer your server. The details for administering your Virtual Server will differ based on whether you have a Virtual Cloud Server or a Virtual Machine in the Cloud.
To determine which platform you have, look at the listing for the Virtual Servers in My Cloud > Virtual Servers.
A Virtual Cloud Server will be in the section labeled Virtual Cloud Server, and a Virtual Machine in the Cloud will be in the section labeled Virtual Machine in the Cloud. Note that this list is also broken down by Zone.
Managing Your Virtual Cloud Server in the Customer Portal
Manage Your Server and Virtual Server Details
Additional Tools
Activity Logs
Account Addons
Managing Your Virtual Machine in the Cloud in the Customer Portal
CPU Usage
IP Addresses
Once you have identified which Virtual Cloud Server you want to manage, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the hostname - this will take you to the Product Details screen, where you can manage the Virtual Server. The top section of this screen shows some general information such as the Product/Service, the Hostname, and the Billing Cycle and Next Due Date.
To manage your Virtual Server from the Product Details screen, scroll down the screen until you see Manage Your Server. This is where the controls for managing your VS are located.
Manage Your Server is where you can stop/start/reboot/etc your Virtual Server.
Start: the Start button will power the VS back on if it is not booted
Stop: the Stop button causes the VS to IMMEDIATELY power off. This is similar to pulling the power cord on a physical server. No proper shutdown is performed, and you run the risk of data loss. Only use this option if the Virtual Server does not respond to a normal shutdown.
Shutdown: using the Shutdown button runs a proper shutdown on the VS. The system is brought down cleanly and then powered off.
Reboot: the Reboot button will cleanly shutdown and power off the VS, and then automatically restart it.
Startup On Recovery: WARNING - the Startup on Recovery feature is for advanced users, and is similar to booting your virtual server off of a live CD. This feature requires expert-level knowledge of Linux command line skills such as how to mount and work with filesystems, run disk repair utilities, and edit low-level system configuration files. Only enter Recovery mode if you know exactly what you are doing - otherwise contact eApps Support for assistance. If you have entered Recovery mode and need to exit, click on Reboot.
Rebuild: the Rebuild button will completely rebuild the Virtual Server, ERASING ANY EXISTING DATA. You will have to confirm that you want to rebuild the VS before continuing. You can also use this option to rebuild the VS with a different operating system template. Be aware that changing your template may change the amount you are billed for your service, and that some templates have specific resource requirements.
Open Console: this opens a Java applet that gives you access to a virtual console allowing you to work from the command line of the Virtual Server. NOTE - if you get a "Missing Plug-in" error when trying to use the Console the issue is with your browser and the version of Java installed on your computer. If you cannot resolve this issue by upgrading your browser, version of Java, or by installing the correct plugin, then you will have to use an actual SSH client to connect to the command line of the Virtual Server instead of the Console applet.
The Virtual Server Details show information about the Virtual Server, such as whether or not it is Booted, the number of CPU(s), and the Memory Size and Disk Size. You can also see the public IP address(es) and any Internal IP address(es), the Template, when the VS was created (Created At), and the last time the server was stopped/started/rebooted (Last Update). You can also view the root or Administrator password.
The Additional Tools allow you to control other Virtual Server functions.
Firewall Management: the Firewall Management section allows you to create firewall rules for the Virtual Server. Be aware that any firewall rules set here will override any iptables rules that are set on the Virtual Server.
IP Information: this shows the IP addresses attached to this Virtual Server, along with the Netmask, Gateway, and Physical Network.
CPU Usage Graphs: The Instant graph shows the CPU usage for the last 24 hours; the Hourly graph can show the CPU usage for a maximum of 3 months depending on the amount of data available.
Traffic Usage Graphs: the Traffic Usage Graphs show the traffic on the external interface (eth0) and the internal interface (eth1), if there is an IP associated with eth1. The Data Transfer of Sent/Received/Total is also shown. With the Traffic Usage Graphs, you can select to show for the Current Billing Month, Previous Billing Month, or a Custom Time Interval.
Basic Backup: the Basic Backup button allows you to manage your Basic Backup Service. Please see the Basic Backup Service User Guide for more information -
Enterprise Backup: the Enterprise Backup button allows you to manage your Enterprise Backup Service. Please see the Enterprise Backup User Guide for more information -
The Activity Logs show the status of actions or activities that have been completed or are in progress on your Virtual Server. Reboots, changes to the firewall, changes to the network, and operating system changes such as changing the template will show here.
If you have any Account Addons you can manage them here. You can also purchase addons by clicking on Click to view available addons.
Once you have identified which Virtual Machine in the Cloud you want to manage, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the hostname - this will take you to the Product Details screen, where you can manage the Virtual Machine.
The first section of the Overview screen shows various details of the VM, including the Hostname, the Status, the Credentials (the root password), and the Template that was used to create the Virtual Machine. If you click on the link for the Control Panel (if available), you will be taken to the login page for that Control Panel.
The Virtual Machine Settings lets you view the settings for the selected VM. You can see the amount of Memory available, the number of CPU(s), the CPU Priority and the network Port Speed. To change any of these settings, go to the Upgrade/Downgrade section of the Customer Portal.
The Actions section allows you to perform various actions on the Virtual Machine.
Stop Virtual Machine - this will allow you to power off the VM. You will have to confirm that you want to continue with this action.
Reboot Virtual Machine - this allows you to reboot the VM. There is no confirmation step here, the VM will be immediately rebooted.
Rebuild Virtual Machine - this will recreate the VM using the existing template. This will destroy all data on VM. You will have to confirm that you want to rebuild the VM.
Virtual Machine Console - this opens a Java-based console to the command line of the VM for Linux based VMs, or to the Windows Desktop for Windows Server VMs.
Manage Disks - this opens the Disks section of the Customer Portal, and allows you to manage the backups for the disks available to this Virtual Machine (assuming you have purchased eApps Backup Space). To make changes to the Disk size, go to the Upgrade/Downgrade section of the Portal.
Manage IP Addresses - this opens the IP Addresses section of the Customer Portal, and allows you to view the IP addresses allocated to this Virtual Machine. You can view the IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway. To allocate a new IP address, go to the Upgrade/Downgrade section of the Portal. To configure a new IP Address for ISPmanager or Webmin VMs, see the User Guide: Managing IP Addresses -
To allocate a new IP address for Windows Server 2008 VMs, see the User Guide: Adding Additional IP Addresses to your Windows 2008 Virtual Server -, and for Windows Server 2012 see the User Guide: Adding Additional IP Addresses to your Windows 2012 Virtual Server -
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As a reminder - if you choose the Rebuild Virtual Machine option, all the existing data on the VM will be destroyed, and the VM will be rebuilt to the default state that it was when it was created. |
This chart shows the CPU utilization for the last 24 hours on this Virtual Machine, broken down on a Per Hour basis. You can zoom into a specific time period by clicking and dragging in a chart. To zoom out again, click the Show all button.
This page lists the IP Addresses allocated to this Virtual Machine. If the IP addresses are allocated to the VM during the ordering process, they will automatically be configured. However, if any IP addresses are allocated after the VM has been built, they will need to be configured manually, and will appear in the Additional IP Addresses For This Virtual Machine section.
See the User Guide: Managing IP Addresses - for more information.
To add additional IP Addresses, go to the Upgrade/Downgrade section of the Portal.
This page show the Disks attached to this Virtual Machine. If you have purchased the additional eApps Backup Space, you can make a manual backup or turn on Autobackup here. See the User Guide: Managing Backups - for more information.
To make any changes to the Disk size, go to Upgrade/Downgrade section of the Customer Portal. Use caution when making any changes to the Disk size, and consult eApps Support if you have any questions.
Traffic shows the external traffic for your Virtual Machine. This is not your bandwidth usage, which is set by the Port Speed when you create the Virtual Machine (and can be adjusted in Upgrade/Downgrade). Your bandwidth is the size of the network "pipe" that your traffic travels over, your traffic is the amount of data that is sent back and forth to your Virtual Machine.
The traffic is measured in Megabytes (MBs) per hour, and reported in Gigabytes, which is a per month value. You can increase your allowed traffic in Upgrade/Downgrade.
This page lists the Backups which have been taken or are pending (in progress) for this Virtual Machine. You can restore your VM using one of the existing backups, or delete one or more backups.
See the User Guide: Managing Virtual Server Backups - for more information.
The Upgrade/Downgrade section allows you to manage the resources allocated to the Virtual Machine.
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Making changes to the allocated resources will change the amount that you are billed for your Virtual Machine in the Cloud Hosting service. Your Virtual Machine will also be rebooted to allow for the new resource allocations. |
See the User Guide: Upgrading or Downgrading your VM - for more information.
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