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Release Notes - Joomla

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This Document will provide Joomla release notes for alll operating systems offered by eApps.  Please see the General Upgrade notes and the section specific to the operating system of your subscription. To see the operating system of your subscription take the steps below.

Log into your Control Panel > click My Account tab > Subscriptions > click the Name of the subscription (with type Virtuozzo Container)> the operating system is listed on the Server section of the page.

General Upgrade Notes
WARNING: It is highly recommended that you make a backup of your files and databases before upgrading to 1.5.7

You will need to backup each instance for each site you have enabled Joomla for, so repeat the steps below for each of your sites.

First step, creating a backup of your files:

Using Control Panel:

Control panel -> system tab -> file manager -> navigate to /home/admin user for your site(defaults to webadmin)/

Check the box in front of joomla, and click on Pack.
Wait until you will see a file created in the same directory.

Using SSH as root user:

Once you loggin as root user via ssh, execute this commands:

cd /home/admin user for your site (defaults to webadmin)/
tar -xzf joomla.`date +'%Y%m%d'`.tar.gz joomla

Second step, backup of your databases:

Using PhpMyAdmin:

First of all please go to system tab -> all applications and check if PhpMyadmin is listed on the installed applications.
If not, go to -> system tab -> add application -> select PhpMyAdmin -> update, wait until you can see it as installed in the All Applications list.

You will need to know the password for root mysql user, if you don't know it, you should change it in: system tab -> databases -> change root password.

Now go to and login using user root and the mysql root password.
Once logged in, click on Export. now from the left panel called Export, select all the databases that start with joomla, to select multiple entires in the list you will need to hold contrl key (ctrl) and click on each one, for mac users hold the apple key and click on each one, from the SQL Options on the right panel, you will need to select 'Add DROP DATABASE', also please select from the bottom panel 'Save as file' and chose a name in the FileName template field. You can select a compression method also.

Now click on GO, and wait until you are prompted to save the file on your local PC.

Using SSH:

Login as root via SSH, and first try to see if you are able to login to mysql, type this command:

cd /home/admin users for the site(defaults to webadmin)/


If you there is no error then you were able to login, so now let's see the databases that we want exported:

show databases;

For each entry that starts with joomla from the mysql databases list you will need to issue this command:

mysqldump --defaults-extra-file='/root/.my.cnf' --add-drop-table database_name_from_the_above_step > database_name_from_the_above_step.sql

You will need to repeat the mysqldump instruction for each Joomla databases you have.

Upgrading Joomla to 1.5.18

See the section specific to your operating system for specific notes and upgrade instructions.

CentOS 5
The latest version available on CentOS 5 is 1.5.20

Changes in 1.5.20

Official Release Notes

How to Upgrade
- Read the General Upgrade Notes section above.
Log into your Control Panel > Click System Tab > All Applications > Joolma > Upgrade To Latest

Changes in 1.5.18

Official Release Notes

How to Upgrade
- Read the General Upgrade Notes section above.
Log into your Control Panel > Click System Tab > All Applications > Joolma > Upgrade To Latest

Changes in 1.5.8
- fixed incorrect paths to log and tmp directory in configuration.php

Official Release Notes

How to Upgrade
- Read the General Upgrade Notes section above.
Log into your Control Panel > Click System Tab > All Applications > Joolma > Upgrade To Latest
Changes in 1.5.7
- None

Official Release Notes

How to Upgrade
- Read the General Upgrade Notes section above.
Log into your Control Panel > Click System Tab > All Applications > Joolma > Upgrade To Latest

CentOS 4
The latest version vailabe on CentOS 4 is 1.0.12. To take advantage of the most current version, customers are encouraged to migrate to a CentOS 5 plan. For migration details please send a request to
  • UPGRADING - To upgrade to the new version from prior versions, please use the following instructions.

    1. Login to your Control Panel and go to the System Tab

    2. Click on Upgrade Applications (if this is not present, you are already up to date).

    3. Select the latest version of Joomla from the drop-down and click Upgrade

Fedora Core
Joomla is not available on Fedora Core plans. If you will like to use Joomla please contact us at for CentOS 5 migration details.

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