While eApps Support will make every effort to assist you with setting up your e-mail client, you are ultimately responsible for resolving any issues with the installation, configuration and usage of your e-mail client software. For advanced configuration or usage questions, you may need to contact vendor support for your e-mail client or consult some of the many resources online for more information. |
Make sure to substitute example.com or mail.example.com with your actual domain name and mail server name. Also, please substitute your actual e-mail address for user@example.com. |
Unless you are the owner of the account or a registered contact for the account, eApps Support cannot provide you with this information due to security and privacy reasons. You will need to contact the authorized person for your account to get this information. |
Outlook Express can be used for more than just e-mail, but this User Guide only covers the basic e-mail client setup |